Sites & cities that bear the name of Les Masies de Sant Miquel

Les Masies de Sant Miquel

Today in : Spain
First trace of activity : ca. 6th century B.C.E
Last trace of activity : ca. 2nd century C.E
Recorded names : Grita Vella, Bañeras

Description : The archaeological area of Les Masies de Sant Miquel , in Bañeras ( Tarragona Province , Spain ), is located in the suburb of this name and occupies, as can be deduced from the archaeological material observed on the surface and from the archaeological interventions carried out, a considerable extension. Three relevant deposits are located in this area: a) The Iberian settlement of Les Masies de Sant Miquel, of an area greater than the average of the sites of its chronology located in the Panadés , with a dating that goes from the first Iron Age (6th century BC) to Romanization (2nd century BC). 1 b) The Can Canyís necropolis , known since 1960, which has a chronological framework that corresponds, in part, to that of the Iberian town of Les Masies de Sant Miquel. c) The Roman town of Grita Vella, related to the hermitage of Sant Miquel, located right next to the farm where the town is located. The archaeological zone covers a wide chronology that goes from the 6th century BC. C. until II d. C. and includes three different samples of the use of the territory: a cremation necropolis, an Iberian town and a Roman villa, which allows to explain a whole cultural process that includes the iberisation and romanisation of the Panadés.

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